Wow! Second grade, huh?

That's a pretty ballsy move. I'd tread carefully because it doesn't sound like you are going to win any battles.

I think your best bet is to do whatever it takes to get your son's goals aligned with your goals for him. Grinity makes some excellent suggestions for this.

In addition, I would do a little research on social norms at his current school and what is going on with him socially. I think you need to try and see it from his perspective. Once you understand his thinking THEN try to sway him. I think the most likely explanation is that he is being short sighted and wants to succeed socially in the environment he knows, possibly at the expense of opportunities in the future. I'd try and get specifics, though. Does he think he has a shot at making a team that gets a lot of attention, is he showing an interest in girls, is the gifted school population a distinct group in some way (all one race / ethnicity or all from a particular part of town?)

Can you provide a little more background about the type of school he is currently in, what level of education the other children's parents have, average socioeconomic status, etc.?

Last edited by JaneSmith; 03/21/11 09:26 AM.