If you can get him near other GT kids for some social time?
He is 12, so it's a good time to get him to take the SAT (yup, call College Board and have them send you a printed application and get going - you can still get a sitting before the school year is out!)

If he does 'well enough' on the SATs he qualifies for summer camps and weekend programs through his local talent search (JHU's CTY if you are on the East Coast)

What makes me think he would take the SATs anymore seriously than his local tests - I think sitting next to all those high school students would send a strong message. Bribe him if you have to.

I would also contact the school, and the state gifted association.
Has your son had a WISC IQ test? Is it a LOG problem? Has he been bored or underchallenged in the local GT program?

What are your son's interests beside art?

This can be a tough phase - no doubt about that!

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