I am what one would consider Agnostic. DH was raised Southern Black Baptist (there is a difference between Bapstists, Southern Baptists & Baptists in the African American churches in the south). My mother grew up Catholic. My father Protestant. My brother and I were raised without religion. My parents are now Presbyterian and take DC to church with them. Confused yet?

Anyway, we have explaining our own beliefs and those of others fairly easy, as I am white and DH is black. I know that sounds crazy, but they know that families are made up of all different people - races, genders, ages and parental/guardian roles. So we treat religion the same way. They know, for the most part, what the core beliefs are for the major religions. We have included Atheism (my brother is an Atheist) as well. It also seems to help them in their own decisions. Granted, we have them going to a Christian church, but they know they are free to believe, even as young as they are, in what they feel in their hearts is right.