Hi Aly,
Welcome. First of all 'wow' to your school and your son for a gradeskip allowed in a school that has a gifted program. It sounds as though all his classes are in the gifted program, or are some in the regualar classroom?

It's great that your son has gotten enough benifit from the Concerta to show you that he might be a kid that benifits from medication. It's very very unusal for a kid to find a medication type and dose that works 'well enough' right from the begining. Had you tried a few other combinations before you hit on the Concerta, or is this the first one.

I have to say that 'the medication merry-go-round' isn't my favorite ride at the amusement park of life, but when a kid finds a medication and dose that work for him or her, that makes all the aggrivation worth it. So call your doctor, tell her/him what is up, and buy your ticket to the medication merry-go-round, because I hear music starting up and it's time to try again.

My son found his best med after trying 4 stimulents, at varying doses, to finally find one that makes him feel 'more like himself' than he does even without the medication.

Also good to remember that other supports are usually needed, such as help with organizational skills, learning how to study, getting used to having to make an efforts at school, meditation, a good balance of physical activity, spiritual balance, good nutrition. My favorite parenting book for Intense and sensitive kids is

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com