I have been struggling with DS8 at school and was sooo happy to find this board.
He is in a 3rd grade gifted program, having skipped a grade and is doing well overall. However, he started coming home with some very poor grades eg C/Ds. This is both in tests and class work. The teacher told me he has inattentive ADD (which we suspected but were trying to deny) and we finally put him on Concerta 18mg 3 weeks ago. Apparently his organisation and focus improved drammatically. His grades have improved but he is now so emotional. He cried in school yesterday because he got a B in a math test - not good for a 3rd grade boy. His previous D didn't bother him that much ("I'll do better next time"). He has cried at his basketball game (when the ref said he fouled someone)and numerous times at home.
He hates feeling miserable and wants to come off the meds. I just don't know what to do. He has definitely improved and actually needs a higher dose since his mind still races. Yesterday he did some math homework where he got the right answer immediately but then got very frustrated because he couldn't figure out how he had gotten the answer - his mind was racing so much.
Has anyone else had similar experiences? Can anyone give me some suggestions....or even some hope?!
Thank you