Originally Posted by Cricket2
She said that kids who are taking all three pre-APs (history, lit, and bio) should expect 5 hrs of homework a night. Since dd will only be in two of those, who knows, but that sounds truly unreasonable to me.
That's because you aren't counting the non-'pre-AP' classes that might well work as study halls for the 'pre-AP' classes.

Srry, didn't mean to scare you. Keep checking around, but that sounds totally reasonable with the double sciences and the preAP lit. In the public 9th grade, my son took one elective that wasn't honors level, and he said about it: 'Now I know why I used to pound my head against the desk in elementary school.' ((pout/sad/sputtery laughter)) Seriously - he go 99s on every test and assignment in there, and did use it as a study hall for his other classes.

It's just so hard to know....

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