I wanted to ask something about history recently. I looked at the sales page for "history at our house". I liked how they said it covers the whole history of the world in chronological order three times. The first time is for young kids to be exposed to important historical people and events, at least by name. The second was about the details, and the third was to anylize and ask questions. I wanted a complete secular history cirriculum since" the history of the world" which is the most recommended on the well trained mind forum is slightly religious slanted, according to the reviews. Does anyone know of a good one but without the religious slant but that's in textbook, encyclopedia, or software form? Hopefully one that spirals.

Let me add a cute story. The boy has a five-gallon water jug as a piggy bank. Since he has graduated from collecting coins to collecting George Washington dollars with the eagle and the castle (pyramid) I bought some pennies and showed him how to stack the pennies to earn loose dollars. To slow him down from asking because I don't want heavy change in my purse but I like George Washington. He knows Thomas Jefferson is not George Washington and he can't have those. I don't know who told him or if he saw it on tv, but he was stacking his pennies and said, "can I have a Ben Franklin?"

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar