DS has been in the newspaper for a few little local things, with and without photos, and is very google-able for awards and whatnot. Those don't bother me. Where I draw the line is interviews.

My main issue with media exposure isn't that you can "find" him but how much is up for public discussion. A child being interviewed doesn't generally have the media savvy to understand the implications of word choices, the bias of the journalist and his or her questions, etc. I've been interviewed for things before - very boring and non-controversial things like volunteering for a local animal-related charity - and they still managed to misquote, misrepresent, and turn my very boring answers into all kinds of things I didn't say or mean. There wasn't any real problem with that except that someone who read it might think I didn't know what I was talking about... but for something like "young child doing lots of really impressive work" a little twisting of words can come out extremely different. Also, an article specifically about that can invite public comments I'd rather not see.
