Brag first--we just got our dd10's (4th Grade) SCAT results. She scored 42/50 Verbal, scaled score 467, for the 98th percentile (compared to 6th graders). Quantitative was 33/50, scaled 463, 86th percentile. grin

So, validation because now we know last year's scores weren't just a fluke. Reassurance, because her percentiles went up this year, which hopefully means she's not completely stagnating in her current classroom.

Of course, her school won't actually do anything with her scores. I have a wonderful Christmas Story-esque fantasy where the district's gifted coordinator comes crawling to my door, crying about how wrong she was to not place dd in the full day gifted program in the first place, and begging me to allow my daughter to skip a grade into the gifted 5th grade class and promising they'll start a gifted middle school program just for her. crazy *sigh*