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Posted By: Trillium Validation, Reassurance & a little brag :-) - 03/03/11 04:58 AM
Brag first--we just got our dd10's (4th Grade) SCAT results. She scored 42/50 Verbal, scaled score 467, for the 98th percentile (compared to 6th graders). Quantitative was 33/50, scaled 463, 86th percentile. grin

So, validation because now we know last year's scores weren't just a fluke. Reassurance, because her percentiles went up this year, which hopefully means she's not completely stagnating in her current classroom.

Of course, her school won't actually do anything with her scores. I have a wonderful Christmas Story-esque fantasy where the district's gifted coordinator comes crawling to my door, crying about how wrong she was to not place dd in the full day gifted program in the first place, and begging me to allow my daughter to skip a grade into the gifted 5th grade class and promising they'll start a gifted middle school program just for her. crazy *sigh*
... and then the principal notes that you'll shoot your eye out, right? grin

Just teasing; it really is a wonderful feeling when you get such clear validation, isn't it?

Enjoy that feeling!
Wow, those are awesome scores.

Why in the world wouldn't they put her in the fulltime GT program. Is it only for really off the chart kids or ???

Could she skip into a regular 5th grade class, if not the GT one?
Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
... and then the principal notes that you'll shoot your eye out, right? grin

Or more likely, then the principal says, "Well, all children are gifted, acceleration is socially harmful and we don't believe in tracking students past elementary school." whistle

And as for why she isn't in the full day gifted program? Long story short--she scored average on their "creativity" test and one point shy of their cutoff on the COGAT, and when we appealed their decision, they apparently didn't think her 99.8th percentile WISC & WIAT scores were good enough, possibly because we mentioned the fact that she takes medication for ADHD. Yes, I'm a little bitter. smirk
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