He was born with 2 teeth. We were told that those were extra set of teeth and he would loose them and get baby teeth. A few weeks later one of them became loose and had to be pulled. We were again told that he would get a real baby tooth and that we would be back with the second one before he was 6 months old. They don't really take x-rays at that age if they don't have to so they couldn't really tell.

The baby tooth never materialized and the 2nd one is still there smile What I think happened was that the teeth weren't well aligned and 2nd baby tooth pushed out the first one.

DS3 now has 19 teeth which makes DS5 happy since he has more teeth. DS5 still has all his baby teeth and judging by how long it took him to get them all, I don't see him loosing them any time soon.

It makes for a nice not ND story one can share with everybody. LOL.
