Hi, I had started a thread because I didn't find this one by searching. I'm just going to cross post what was added to that thread if that's ok...

Science websites that you love for reference, entertainment, beauty?
Just reading a thread on birding that had a link to enature.com which I have never come across in my surfing for neat things for my DS5. I searched for one of those "ultimate" threads on this topic but didn't find any, so here goes. I'd love to get links to science sites people love, as I said, for reference, entertainment, beauty. Here are some of mine off the top of my head, I'll have to go digging for other favs.


and links therein to all kinds of NASA information, images and video. Discovery going up for the last time today made me teary.
http://www.stellarium.org/ amazing planetarium software that you can download and run. you can zoom in/out, run time in forward and reverse, many more options that I haven't explored.
http://missrumphiuseffect.blogspot.com/p/thematic-book-lists.html great science and nonfiction book recommendations, and fiction as well
http://www5.pbrc.hawaii.edu/microangela/index.html electron microscopy images, limited explanations but beautiful
http://www.tolweb.org/tree/phylogeny.html this site is extensive but still a work in progress. many pages have large link lists to university and museum web resources