She has picked up on the fact that her classmates at the academic gifted school don't share her same passion for writing. She did a favorite hobby poll as part of a math project and realized she was the only one that chose writing.

I think the creative school has 6 children per grade in each of the 9 majors - creative writing, drama, ballet, contemporary dance, piano, visual art, band orchestra.
Both have MAP testing and she is getting exposed to the arts extras at the academic gifted school even though the music/dance stuff isn't her thing.

I'm thinking we'd have to look at some kind of grade skip/subject acceleration at the creative school in order to keep her challenged academically. If she stays at the academic gifted school I'll ask to have her GIEP updated to include the creative writing. They recently started a block on poetry and it's really clicked with her.

I can see her thriving at both places for different reasons and don't see that keeping her at the academic school will kill her creativity. That would be the worst case scenario.