Originally Posted by Verona
Part of it might be the switch from Montessori, where he had no tests and no grades. Their philosophy is that the learning is important, not the grade on an exam. DS actually said this to me almost word for word recently when I pointed out that he knew 100% of the math on the test, but lost many points for not "showing his work" and writing complete answers.
DS14 tried this one. I told him that while it may be true that he knew the Math itself, his grade was a reflection of how well he was able to understand and execute the teacher's directions, and that in itself is a key school skill that needs time to develop. I think the NHA is a good way to get kids to take an interest in grades provided that the fit is reasonable. If the work being done in his classroom is just miles below his readiness level, then it's up to the parents to make something change.

Best Wishes,

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