No official news.

DD said she had to double up on the standardized tests yesterday - it just so happens they are testing this week. They are testing her with her "new trial" grade which is very promising. But, it also sounds like they might be previewing her answers before they send them off to be scored.

I also heard that the psych who tested her two years ago was at the meeting. I would have thought we would have had to consent to that... Its not like the school has honored the accommodations from our last meeting with him. If I had know they were going to pull in a psych to consult with, I would have insisted on Dr Ed.

Hopefully, the school is just trying to figure out how to have her in middle school and elementary school next year and establishing a real IEP for her. (not that they legally have to honor it...) This will be the third time we have refused to sign a renewal contract until we can have a written copy of her school schedule for the following year. If this all works out, she'll only be straddling two grades, instead of three.

We are having a sunny 60 degree day today and I'm going to do some sewing...

Warning: sleep deprived