No, they haven't been specific really, and I'm waiting to see what they do before I ask for more.

Mnmom, it's not Everyday math, thank goodness! If it was I would be trying to keep ahead of them on purpose so she wasn't thrown off by being asked to do things without explanation.

We don't want an acceleration next year, and neither do they. She's a young five. We're doing math at home as well, and the class teacher is supposed to be getting materials from the math teacher. And she's doing a GATE pullout group once a week. And we're all communicating via a folder (be interesting to see how it pans out). TBH we're really pleased that she's getting the one on one lesson from the teacher. I think once the teacher figures her out it will solve pacing without putting her in a situation where she would flounder (socially, writing, reading in K are all right for her). She could not cope in a group of nine year olds. It will most likely continue next year, and they're going to find a supportive classroom teacher.