Here, elementary schools (up to 5th grade) normally get out early, but after school care is provided. Middle schools, however, get out at 4ish, with no after school care. I guess they assume that is when it's safe for kids to be home alone (without looking at the state law). So 6th grade is 12, give or take.

I remember staying home alone for an hour or so here and there (latch key kid, anyone?) around 9 or 10. But I was also allowed to walk to the corner pizza shop alone. Even if I lived in the exact same neighborhood now, there is no way I'd let either DC walk alone to that pizza shop (which was a block away).

As far as my own two... thankfully DS7 is the older one. He's more responsible, and would know exactly what to do now at 7 in case of an emergency. DD5 would know how to dial 911, but I don't imagine she would be the calm one at all. So for us, I think we will stick with the 6th grade rule (though DS will be in elementary school still b/c of the Charter School).