Originally Posted by aculady

When you say your son is a whisper repeater, are you referring to echolalia - repeating the words other people say - or to something else?

no, he repeats his own words...i guess more like palilalia. I found this interesting link a while back about others that do it. http://en.allexperts.com/q/Speech-Disorders-987/f/son-repeats-word-sentences.htm
Apparently Einstein used to do it. We were reading a book about Einstein the other day and when DS read that part he smiled very big and was glad to know that someone else did it too smile

Apparently there are many out there that do it...many that don't fit any diagnosis, just an odd quirk I guess. DS6 told me a while back that when he says things, sometimes he sees the words that he says in a box and it is like reading them back. I don't know. He is more aware of it and doesn't seem to do it as much. Still does it every day some, usually when he is very excited about something. I asked 2 of his teachers at his first conference though and they said they have never noticed it. I try to tell myself that that doesn't mean he is unexcited at school, lol