DS6 is PG and has always had a few sensory quirks. None of them are a big deal really and they come and go as new ones surface pretty much. But a few of them are starting to be a problem at school a times...and frequently occur when eating and I am not sure what is all about. He frequently gets up from the table while eating and starts spinning around in circles. He just stands and spins until directed back to his seat and he usually will get up and start again without realizing this. He does this other times of the day as well....but at times he will just sit forever and not move (reading, on the computer, painting or working on projects, playing board games, watching TV). He also doesn't do this when we go out to restaurants or other peoples houses, but seems to be doing it more at home. I know it is because he feels more comfortable, but I also know at school they have talked about him is him rocking in the chair all the time and moving around in his chair, and sometimes getting up out of his seat. When he has to sit sometimes I will even see him roll his eyes around in his head repeatedly. The other issue that has been a problem at school is the humming. He hums a lot. It isn't really an issue at home, except it is quite annoying as he does hum a lot while he eats. I guess I am wondering about ways to meet his sensory needs in other ways that are less distracting to others. I know I posted this in the 2E section and DS is not 2E...but I realize that others may have more experience in these things here and sensory issues effect a whole lot of kids.

Any thoughts about substitution behaviors or ways to decrease these behaviors?