I'm the original poster for this topic and this is where I am now. After my son's starting VT (his handwriting already is much improved!), I went to the school with my concerns about my son possibly having an LD. After talking about attention for awhile and listening to the teacher who said several times that he does not test well, that conventional tests do not show what he knows, and that, while he is above-average in his math abilities, he did poorly on a math benchmark, the school counselor and psychologist completely dismissed my concerns about an LD. The psychologist said that while the 45 point spread on the WISC IV between processing speed and the other parts of the test was an indication of a problem, she had no idea what it could mean and did not suggest testing. I have not requested a formal evaluation from the school at this time but imagine that will happen soon.

I then went back to my son's neuropsychologist who looked at his writing samples and his grades and listened to my description of his difficulties. The Dr. said that he looks like he is 2e and that he is likely dysgraphic and dyslexic. He added that there is a huge achievement gap and that my son should be able to easily complete work several years advanced and that his struggling in 3rd grade is very worrisome. The Dr. was adamant that my son's difficulties could not be solely explained by ADHD as the school has implied many times. My son will go in a few days for testing for dyslexia and dysgraphia and another look at the role ADHD may play in this. The Dr. did add that the dyslexia is likely a vision based dyslexia. I am not sure what that means.

Any advice?