I think my son used to have a little trouble crossing the midline. Up until about age 7 or 8 he looked like he was afraid he would fall down when he had to stand with one foot crossed over the other in his musical theater class. His piano teacher would tell me that he often played the left hand notes more easily than the right even though most of her other students would have found the left more difficult. His half-brother is left handed. I have always been curious about this.

He got a total of six weeks of OT and about the same in PT. Insurance would not pay for therapy and I would have had to take him out of musical theater and piano to pay for therapy. I think we made the right decision. I think dance and piano have helped improve that part of his wiring that involves coordination even though he still has lower endurance than most kids. When his right hand gets tired, he can switch to his left to finish writing.