Originally Posted by TX G Mom
My DD7 was able to repeat songs or tell what was next after seeing or hearing something once. This began when she was about one year old.

This really strikes a chord here. DD 6.5 started doing this at age one. I had signed her up for a kindermusik class and she loved listening to the CD of songs at home. When we were in class and they would play an individual song, she would then shout out the name of the next song on the CD ("Shiny Dinah!") before a single note was played. She could also finish all the lines of a book (Harold and the Purple Crayon, Corduroy) even if she had only heard it a few times. Same with nightly prayers.

My dd is not a visual-spatial learner, so I'd lean towards saying hers is auditory. However, she has always noticed numbers her whole life and many of those are visual. For example, at the age of two, she memorized all the 4-digit addresses in our neighborhood. At the same age, She would request I play deejay in the car by asking for the songs in the 6-cd-changer by number ("Disc 5, song 12, please). I suppose those are numbers, too...

In fact, awhile back I started a thread about number/date memory. It's here if you want to look at it...


Nice to know we're not alone... wink