My son was identified for the gifted program at his last school using the Olsat. We moved and my son (now a 3rd grader)just got back his Cogat scores that his new school wanted him to take (we did not put him in the gifted program here yet)- not in the gifted range with these. (we can still apply using the other scores and omitting these at his new school if we decide to go that route.)

We have been worried about LDs with my son ever since he was smaller (always delays- but mostly physical and he has a speech delay still(on IEP) and really struggles with reading/spelling/writing)

My question is- his ability profile is 5E(N+) (his non-verbal was really high- not quite gifted range though)What do we do with this. The school at his last IEP meeting convinced us that we did not need to really worry with any further testing for LDs (he had a private eval in 1st and it was recommended that we retest later). The E worries me a little. Should I contact the school and have an IEP review again. Everything that I can find online says that E profiles require a closer look- but what do they mean by that? Do not want to be the over reacting parent- but at the same time do not want to ignore it if it signals a problem.
He loves school and does really well (except reading and spelling)so there is no stong "need" to get him into the gifted program (it is a center based school). We really want him just to get caught up with reading (or at least have the problem identified- if there even is a problem) and then worry about the program.
