Good point Jane - They are just so used to doing it the same old way that it is absurd to them to do it the right way.

So the result of a years worth of battles was an addition of a subject to his IEP. Yippy! OH WAIT... They didn't put the subject as the actual subject because that would just make to much sense. And they didn't give us any additional minutes for the services but added it into reading, which essentially takes away some reading time. And they did put that he would be accelerated in the subject and reach specific goals it took me an hour of insisting to get put in. So basically after 2 and 1/2 hours of sitting in a room with these people they wrote an IEP that they know won't work.

The only option we have now is to wait for this IEP to fail and look to modify it at the beginning of next year and then when they refuse to do so, take it back to the state!

This crazy twisted game the district is playing continues only because parents allow it to continue. When we stop allowing them to lie and manipulate and break the law things will get better. At least that's what I keep telling myself.