Originally Posted by Artana
Now, when he is really challenged, he tends to get whiny and tantrum and stuff. So his Gifted teacher expressed concerns. I explained to everyone at the table that I was a Gifted student, and because I was never challenged, I failed a term in MIT. I failed because I didn't know how to study, I didn't know how to fail and struggle past it, and I didn't know how to pick myself back up and dust myself off and keep going. The things that all students should know. And I told them that despite how much he resisted being challenged, he needed to learn those skills.

Yippee!!!! Sing it! So true! So nice to hear a good report and open some minds.
I think the reason the US educational system is behind other countries is EXACTLY this this concern that teachers have not to push kids past their 'non-whiney' zone.

Love and More Love,

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