I just had the best IEP meeting ever.:)

- I was told that while his writing isn't getting better, the OT feels that it is not because he is resisting. She thinks there are some weak ligament issues that make him hold his pencil uncomfortably and at this point, she feels it would be hard to push him more. She's going to keep working with him, but start introducing him to touch typing programs.

-Everyone feels that he's made tremendous progress this year. They told me this story: DS8, who has AS, walked up to the new boy in class yesterday, looked him straight in the eye and shook his hand, introducing himself. He also braved a loud environment he usually avoids in order to say hi to the daughter of one of the teachers.

-He is more often calmly expressing his needs and wants.

Now, when he is really challenged, he tends to get whiny and tantrum and stuff. So his Gifted teacher expressed concerns. I explained to everyone at the table that I was a Gifted student, and because I was never challenged, I failed a term in MIT. I failed because I didn't know how to study, I didn't know how to fail and struggle past it, and I didn't know how to pick myself back up and dust myself off and keep going. The things that all students should know. And I told them that despite how much he resisted being challenged, he needed to learn those skills. The teacher and gifted teacher's eyes lit up and they nodded, "That makes total sense." I was in total complete shock at the agreement.

Anyways, Best.IEP/GIEP.Ever.