CITY/CBK. Granted this was two and a half summers ago and I have no idea what their stuff is like now... I think that the major issue for her was that the course she took was in her major area of passion, she was in the program for 4th-6th graders and she was coming out of 4th, and the instructor didn't have a college degree and wasn't working on one. I suspect that the courses that were run by current uni students who were majoring in the subject of the course or by people who had degrees in the subject area might have been more in depth.

She's extremely knowledgable about this specific area (I've learned a lot from being around her!), so she wants more than the typical fare for bright kids of her age who might not have studied the topic as much.

She really liked the instructor, but just didn't feel like she learned a lot that she didn't already know.

Last edited by Cricket2; 01/05/11 02:16 PM. Reason: misrecalled how long ago dd was at CITY