
I have been very impressed with the science, math and computer instruction offered at the junior high level at our school. However, I have become increasingly impatient with the lack of writing instruction (or writing requirements) for the 7th and 8th grades. Just this week, I discovered that my daughter�s English grade so far this quarter, is comprised solely of spelling units and spelling tests (in eighth grade)! I find this to be unacceptable and unbelievable! I had thought maybe all the grammar detail was part of some master plan, but I have come to realize that it is probably just easier to grade!

I have a feeling that you would have had this issue rectified within the first month or two of 7th grade. I did discuss my concerns with the principle last year, who said that a new English curriculum would be implemented this year. Apparently that has been delayed.

Anyway, I have become rather concerned about my daughter�s lack of experience with writing and then see your link! Thank you for posting such useful links!