Originally Posted by Trinity
Key question,
How well accomidated is Ghost in his other classes. If this is an isolated situation, you can demand that he suppliment at home and not worry about it.

Love and More Love,

Hi Ania,
I'm recycling my advice from your first post on this topic. ((silly me))
I'm trying to encourage you to look at the big picture. If the science is a good fit, and the Math is good, and he is getting somewhat of a challenge in History, or perhaps a 2nd language, if he is reasonably happy over-all, then it is ok to have "an extra study hall" during the day. You can also try for a subject acceleration - perhaps language arts at the high school before or after his math?

I have heard of a situation where a elementary aged kid was place in the honors English Class where it was clear that he couldn't write up to the level of the High School kids. When the Mom asked the Teacher, is it ok? The Teacher said: "Based on the reasoning he shows in class discussion, it is clear that he needs to be here. His writing will catch up, and he can do this class again next year until he is ready to move on."

If the overall fit isn't right, then it's time to take action. I understand that you have a good program to look forward to next year. Perhaps a year of homeschooling or an eary jump is worth it. Don't get overfocused on the new teacher - it's appealing to find a target for all the unfair things that have ever happened to our child and make them a kind of Voodoo Doll for the whole system. ((I'm actually doing that right now with a religious school principle, note to self - cut it out!)) But obviously this in not reccomended.

Will the teacher take it out on your son? She may, but she may not. Can he do other things while she reads? I'm sure that he can, if he learns to be somewhat subtle about it. I wouldn't encourage him to do extra work in there - because that might be seen as a slap in the face. I would encourage homework, because that is considered a 'normal and forgivable' misbehavior. That way if his homework is done he can have more flexibility at home. Also, if he gets caught, he can make the "pity me face" and say that he really likes to do homework while she reads because he has so much of it.

I'm sure that not everyone will agree, but I think that teaching kids how to BS, when to BS, and why to BS is an important social skill.

Or is he already doing all his homework during class?

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