Had a great meeting with DS6's school(s) today. They are really working to meet his needs. 4th grade is going very well for Math, they said they assume he will easily complete 5th grade this year too and move to 6th next year (and they have already started talking with some teachers that they think would be a good fit)...which is good but a little daunting. Also, his 4th grade teacher that he goes to for math said she wants to test him for reading and give his 2nd grade teacher some materials. They tested him for reading last year, but the school only went up to N so he was a level N. She said that she thinks he is way up there in reading as he is able to do all the other subject work that she gives the rest of her 4th grade class. They all had really good things to say about DS6, and while they recognized some of his quirks they just kind of had an attitude that said that is who he is and didn't act as if he had to conform. They talked about how much the other kids seem to like him and are good with him in both classes. They took their time to meet with me after my work got out and met with me for over an hour! I am truly blessed. I know that each year is different with different teachers, but I am hoping this will continue and if not I am enjoying it while it lasts! I have to say that a year and a half ago when my son started his school career, I was so anxious about having a PG kid in a public school. I was told by almost everyone that it wouldn't work. I am so grateful that it is working!!