Last summer my 6 year old son gave me a laundry list of reasons as to why he didn't think Santa was real...too many kids to visit, elves making toys you can find in stores, etc. I thought that as long as he asked me if Santa exists, I could put it back on him. However, as soon as he started telling me that he didn't believe in Santa then I wasn't comfortable with perpetuating the myth. My husband was 100% opposed to this, and thought we should try to convince him that Santa was real. We compromised and instead had a nice conversation about the spirit of Christmas and giving. I didn't say there wasn't a Santa, but instead that some people don't believe in Santa but celebrate the idea of Santa. He didn't ask any more questions and I figured that was the end of it for while. Until last month, when he started crying and saying that he didn't know what to believe - he used to think that Santa didn't exist, but with Christmas getting closer, now he does. He was borderline distraught. I was really torn; I didn't say much and just comforted him. I'm not sure if it was talking to other kids, or having teachers and adults talk about Santa, but he has turned a 180 since last Summer. He searches for Elf on the Shelf every morning, he specifically asked to visit Santa, and even wrote him a letter with his wishes. I think when Christmas passes and all the presents are opened, then he may explore his skepticism once again. I have no idea if he will figure it all out by next year. We're just enjoying this Christmas, watching him so enthralled. It doesn't matter if it's because he truly believes, or just wants to believe, but it's really sweet to watch.