Hi Treasuremapper,

Ours is the Asperger's/GT combo too. He's 8.

What is offered for G/T students in your school generally? Now that your DD is identified, they will surely try to give her access to what the other G/Tkids have; the law requires that her education be "appropriate" and that she be included with other children to the extent possible. If you want something different from what the other G/T kids have, or more, you will have to negotiate.

They will not put G/T into an IEP in my state either; it goes in a Written Education Plan, which is a separate document.

However, in our case the disability helped us negotiate better G/T services, because it was clear that DS behaves poorly when he is bored, and keeping him engaged required subject acceleration. This was discussed at an IEP meeting as part of the project of figuring out what he needed; because the needs are those of one child, the planning for the two issues can't be entirely separate, even though the documentation is handled separately. We are lucky that the G/T teacher was on board; that helped a great deal.

If you want more details, feel free to PM me. You might also find useful conversation at OASIS (www.aspergersyndrome.org ; they have a nice parent forum).

Best wishes,

Edited to add: I remember now that you had thought she wasn't on the spectrum. Did you get further testing that changed the opinion of your professionals? Girls are so hard in this regard. I hope this hasn't been a terrible whiplash experience for you.

Last edited by DeeDee; 12/02/10 07:43 PM.