At this time, I am unsure if DS5 has true 2E but I thought folks here might have suggestions for me. According to his kindergarten teacher he has met all kindergarten milestones as of last September. She did invite me to a parent conference last week to discuss DS's handwriting. His writing is difficult to see even when he presses hard. He is sloppy, but I don't think that is the only problem as his hand fatigues quickly. Also, as a baby he was left hand dominant but since preschool he has been writing with right hand. Attempts to correct this at home have not worked.

I am not sure how to help him. Teacher did not offer any help when asked. I see him gripping the pen hard and pressing down, but letters are shaky looking. Obviously his teacher is concerned, thus the meeting, but this does not mean she has any suggestions or has offered additional resources. Any types of pens/grippers that would help?
