my son is also in public kindy. our district also does not offer services for gifted until 3rd grade, BUT sometimes there are exceptions to rules. smile we did have to fight, but he now has an iep for gifted education...he was grade level accelerated, gets to meet twice a week with the gifted coordinator of our school, and may also subject accelerated. we are still working on that last piece. my problem is subject wise, he needs to be accelerated in math and reading to 3rd grade.....but he is FOUR. we are meeting again in a week, and i'm going to push for him to go to a first grade class for these subjects for now as a middle ground- at least he won't be in the class relearning his letters, but peer wise it will be a better fit than a class of 3rd graders. I hope to start after christmas.....i think it is fine for them to start mid year, and i agree with the pp to start at the beginning of a new unit to ease the transition.

the bottom line is even though they do not service kids until 3rd grade, my son's giftedness functions as a disability in that he can not have his needs met by the typical curriculum, therefore he needed an individualized educational may have similar luck..... so it is worth a request for an evaluation.