Thanks so much for this feedback!

st pauli girl ... I haven't spoke with the GT specialist at our school. She is brand new and according to DS's teacher, she couldn't do anything but supply advanced materials. She could be wrong but I didn't want to go over her head for various reasons. But I'll keep this in mind if the momentum stalls. Thanks for your advice on timing and EOG tests!!

Chrys ... Yes, different class. No his teacher hasn't even taken the step of contacting teachers at this point or she may be in the next few days. But you are absolutely right about the receiving teacher needing to be on board!! Good point. And how do other parents find out? I would think it wouldn't be publicized etc. Or maybe bc you were at such a small school. Ours has about 4-5 classes per grade. Thanks for you timing suggestions too, this is helpful. And good idea to find out the details on seating and possible disruptions to the normal routine. I have no idea yet but I will find out.

I'm not even sure this will happen, it's in the baby stages. But thanks for helping me think of questions before it goes too far!
