Originally Posted by kimck
In the homeschool GT community kids doing "easier" curriculum certainly move faster than kids doing "harder" curriculum like they might use in Taiwan from what I've seen.

I am actually asking about a home schooled child who is working through 2 of the more advanced math programs (Singapore and Horizons) at least 3 years ahead of her chronological age compared to our local public school. Math and science are her strengths. They are NOT my strengths and I'm having a very hard time coping (if that's the correct word) with her ease and speed in math.

Thanks for everyone's helpful responses! What prompted this post was basically this: I thought she was about 2 years ahead of her age in math. Then recently I looked on the local school district's math curriculum map and discovered that she is THREE years ahead of what I thought - according to our local ps. I guess I didn't take into account how advanced Singapore and Horizons are. But it was just a little bit of a shocker. And she has been asking for harder math. Sorry, but my heads spins sometimes!

I thought maybe there was something that I couldn't find (on Hoagies, from Ruf or Webb) that kind of tells you if your kiddo is about x amount of years ahead, then they are gifted and if they are xx amount of years ahead then they are HG, and so on. I guess it's kind of a dumb thing to ask but I really do appreciate this discussion.

Last edited by MamaJA; 11/24/10 11:45 AM.