Thanks to you both. I was just coming back here to add that while I think I sounded peeved in my last post I intend to arrive at the meeting with my spirit of co-operation intact. We have to find something for this child, some way to engage him and teach him. That will be eaier to do if I am not perceived as adversarial. That said, I am very clear on my agenda here: my son needs and has a right to an appropriate education. That does not mean worksheets and puzzle to do when he's done with the normal clasroom work. And it does not mean waiting for the teacher to spend five minutes with him when she can spare them. What it does mean is a progresive math program that challenges him, one that allows him to develop his math skills and learn something new during the school day.

I think my first set of questions will be designed to just get people to talk. I want to know what they are thinking before I toss down all my cards.

Again, here's hoping.