Our meeting is Tuesday and I have to say I am not feeling hopeful.

I ran into the psychologist and had a 20 minute conversation with him. I ask him how he thought the meeting would go, and what he thought the range of options would be. He offered the usual--differentiation, enrichment, and even "have you ever thought about hiring a a university student to tutor him?"

He stressed the importance of developing the whole child. He's quite a nice man but I have to admit feeling like knocking off his baseball cap at that point. I KNOW children need to be kids. My children play sport, practice music and are tutored in a foreign language at home. They also need to read their own stuff, play, do chores and do homework. And at school, it is my expectation and hope that the children are being taught, that they are learning new things EVERYDAY. If the school does its job then my child won't need to wait until afterchool to learn something new. He can play!

But you all know this.

He said the school had no one on faculty who had any real experience with gifted issue. He also said my son was the highest scoring student he's ever tested. That would sound groovy if it didn't also mean he had no idea how to deal with my son.

Until Tuesday.....

Last edited by suzie; 11/21/10 01:02 PM.