I'm definitely buying "How to talk so your kids will listen & Listen so your kids will talk".

We are dealing with discipline issues right now with DD (age 4). She has to be the most stubborn child to ever come from this gene pool. And that is saying a lot because this gene pool is full of stubborn people!

And talking to her is like talking to a brick wall! But then she also shows such maturity and understanding. A few weeks ago she had a birthday party to go to and was very excited, but I had the times wrong and we missed the party. I felt so bad about it and thought for sure that I was in for a complete meltdown. Never happened. She accepted my apology and though clearly upset to miss the party she understood why. Even today when she had another invitation for another party she brought up the missed party, giving us an opportunity to talk about it which turned into people make mistakes and it is okay to make mistakes. No one is perfect nor should they try to be. She accepted this information but didn't like the idea of it relating to her. She still thinks she shouldn't make mistakes but at least we had a great discussion over it.

Yet this is the same child who will dig in her heels and absolutely not budge and is getting progressively worse with this attitude. So I'm hoping this book will help us overcome some of this.