I've decided for now to get his binocular vision tested (for tracking issues), and to get a full neuropsych workup, which I'm hoping insurance will help cover. I like some of the suggestions in the visual spacial learners section of the gifted development center webpage. Actually, he is pretty much perfectly described in some of the articles. He actually told my mother that he learns best with pictures and movies! The thing that is most difficult for him is that he has all of these amazing thoughts and ideas, and a lot of difficulty expressing them, given his sometimes slow processing speed. He goes to a private school, and although our district would assess him, we would have to bring him to them for services during the school day. He is currently seeing his schools learning specialist for help with reading.
Mich, my main concern with finding a tester, is that he does so poorly under any sort of stress, and can be so distractable, that I feel the IQ portion would be inaccurate. It is nearly impossible to get him to really perform unless he is deeply interested. Because of this, the Gifted Development center was concerned about getting him tested except by someone with a great deal of experience and patience with 2e kids.
DeeDee, I would love to get the school to support DS in learning those skills, but it seems like they have never seen an inattentive kid in class before! They are asking me what to do (I know there are many kids with similar issues at his school). My other problem is that in all of this, his gifts go unrecognized and he is seen (and treated) as a very sweet kid with undiagnosed inattentive subtype ADHD, and perhaps some LD's. He is beginning to see himself as "weird" and says he doesn't like himself. frown

Sorry again to be long winded