Originally Posted by traceyqns
Good post. I wonder the same thing. Will our kids really lose their potential if they are stagnant for years. That is my fear. It is just so sad to me a kid in school for years not learning. I just have no other choice by me. CTY is my only option for some help. I just hope it is enough.

I totally agree! That is my biggest fear. DS's grade skip did not bother me as much as fearing he is continuing to lack the challenges he needs.

OP - your son's lack of complaining & that math test statement would be a worry. Just because they don't come out & say they're unhappy, are we supposed to leave well enough alone or are comments like that in their head & they just don't share them.

I do not think it's ok not to challenge them for 2 yrs but DS is pretty much in that boat & I have not found a solution for it yet. Afterschooling is ok but sometimes feels like extra work to DS. It would be nice if challenges are instead of easy work, not in addition to regular school.