I�m new to this site, so feel free to give me input on the format of my post or how to use this site. Seems like a great site, BTW.

My 9 yr son is all around gifted with iq 147. He�s at his 4th grade level in a Montesori school where he gets little challenge, despite my protests.

I�m frustrated and thinking: �what�s so bad with him not being challenged for a few years? If my son stays at grade level, and not challenged until taking advanced courses in Junior HS, won�t he have a better chance of �fitting in� socially?�

My question: Is it ok for him to be bored at Montesori for 4th and 5th grades, and then get challenged in the 6th grade public school, where they have gifted and talented math and English programs?

My son seems happy, so I�m thinking it�s ok to �hold course� with non-challenging work at Montesori for two years, but I�m wondering how big of a down side is there to my �hold course� thinking?

Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.