My 12-year-old son has an iPad in addition to an iPhone. I have an iPad. My husband started out with a Kindle but found out he couldn't get library books on it like he could if he had a Nook, so he gave the Kindle to his adult son and got himself a Nook. My husband sometimes borrows my iPad and I intend to borrow his Nook whenever I go to Barnes & Noble.

Our laptop does not get used any more. It sits on a table gathering dust and we are too busy reading on our iPads to dust it.

Another thing I like about the the iPad is that the battery lasts a lot longer than the battery in our laptop. I like everything about the iPad. For educational purposes it is wonderful. I think my son, who has dysgraphia should use it to take notes in class, but our homeschool co-op classes do not allow electronic devices of any kind to be used and he doesn't want to ask for any accommodations. I think if he is allowed to use something like this when he goes off to college some day, his dysgraphia won't be much of a problem.

I did read that it causes some people to have insomnia when they read with it at night, but I have not noticed a difference. My husband said he fell asleep just as quickly when he read from the iPad and Kindle and Nook as when he read a regular book. My son has not slept well from the day he was born so it is hard to tell if there is any difference now that he reads from his iPad or iPhone in bed. If he can't sleep, he might as well read.