Thank you so much for all of your responses. They are so helpful. We are looking specifically for my mom, who is older, for a pure reader, and it sounds like the inexpensive Kindle would be perfect (she doesn't frequent B&N and the less technology the better).

I am considering an I-Pad, as I am going back to school for my MLIS in January. I have a laptop at home, but would like something that is easy to carry around (and I don't need a phone function as I always will have my small basic cell phone with me and I don't want more).

And I am considering the Wifi Kindle for my DS as a holiday gift. He reads like a fiend, and it is likely we will be in Europe for 3-5 months in a year or two during my husband's sabbatical, and it sounds like it might be just the ticket while we are away. But can someone tell me more about the lack of (or availability of) kids literature - he is at the Percy Jackson/Warriors stage.

Thanks again, super helpful. Cat