In first, a short book (~6 pages, maybe 50 words) several days a week. Once a week, a math worksheet with ~10 problems. There may have been spelling words, but no formal practice of them, and whatever in-class work they had was sufficient for DD. Most nights, there was either no homework, or DD had finished it on the bus ride home.

3rd requests 30 minutes a night, split up into 20 of free reading and 10 of either spelling practice or math. We generally practice spelling words on Monday when the new list comes home, and either Thursday evening or Friday morning, and that's sufficient. They're working on 10x10 addition and subtraction facts at the moment, and DD isn't fast enough to "pass" the subtraction, so she's doing a page of that as practice each evening. Tonight she had a cursive worksheet that wasn't finished in class, sent home to be finished as homework. That's unusual, though.

We've dropped down to 2 evenings a week of extracurriculars - DD goes to bed at 7:30 almost every night, in order to get enough sleep, and after-school activities just make it too hard to get everything in. In first, she could only handle one activity a week, for the same reason.