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Posted By: Wren Homework - 10/01/10 12:47 AM
I posted that I overscheduled DD. She is now in grade 1 and I am a little surprised how much homework she is getting.

Right now it is only reading, composition, math, and spelling. But she gets chess homework once a week and she has mandarin homework from her Chinese extracurricular. Luckily she doesn't get homework for Spanish at school.

The math takes more time than just going the equations because she has to show problem solving and do it several ways, in pictures and then explain in words how she did the math problem. The writing takes time for a kid just turned 6 on Tuesday.

What kind of homework are you guys seeing for grade 1?

Posted By: DeeDee Re: Homework - 10/01/10 01:25 AM
About 20 min. a day, in a non-gifted program. Now in grade 3 it can be easily an hour.

Posted By: AlexsMom Re: Homework - 10/01/10 01:29 AM
In first, a short book (~6 pages, maybe 50 words) several days a week. Once a week, a math worksheet with ~10 problems. There may have been spelling words, but no formal practice of them, and whatever in-class work they had was sufficient for DD. Most nights, there was either no homework, or DD had finished it on the bus ride home.

3rd requests 30 minutes a night, split up into 20 of free reading and 10 of either spelling practice or math. We generally practice spelling words on Monday when the new list comes home, and either Thursday evening or Friday morning, and that's sufficient. They're working on 10x10 addition and subtraction facts at the moment, and DD isn't fast enough to "pass" the subtraction, so she's doing a page of that as practice each evening. Tonight she had a cursive worksheet that wasn't finished in class, sent home to be finished as homework. That's unusual, though.

We've dropped down to 2 evenings a week of extracurriculars - DD goes to bed at 7:30 almost every night, in order to get enough sleep, and after-school activities just make it too hard to get everything in. In first, she could only handle one activity a week, for the same reason.
Posted By: ColinsMum Re: Homework - 10/01/10 06:58 AM
In P2, our equivalent of first grade: some reading every night (usually a minimum of just a few pages specified), 10 or so (appropriate) spelling words to learn once a week, plus an obligation on us to have him to "some appropriate maths" each day (usually either on the computer or orally on the bus). Nothing written. Piano practice daily. He used to stay at school for a club until 4pm twice a week, and otherwise finish at 3pm; he was (and is) in principle in bed by 7.30pm to get up at 6.30am.
Posted By: Wren Re: Homework - 10/01/10 08:31 AM
DD goes to bed at 8 pm and wakes up at 6. She needs 1.5 hours for breakfast. We get scales done on the piano in the morning. So that leaves 30 minutes of practice on pieces, which is not quite enough. Since she does have afterschool and now gymnastics is 1.5 hours on Tuesday, coming home and having dinner, piano, reading, bath etc. And it is 8 pm.

We are trying to develop a better schedule and do Chinese on Sundays and a refresh on Fridays, when there isn't any homework. We are giving her a point system where points add up to minutes she can watch Wizards of Waverly Place and Hannah Montana, but there isn't time to watch these shows.
Posted By: BooBoo Re: Homework - 10/01/10 09:17 AM
My 1st grade DD got homework on Mon and turned in on Fri. Every week she has three pages of spelling words. One reading page with some simple questions. Four pages (2 sides) math sheets. A practice sheet for practicing spelling test at home. One poem to memorize and recite. Every day it took her about 20 mins to do homework writing plus 20+ mins book reading for reading log. She also needs to spend one hour per week on Chinese homework.

When DS was in 1st grade, it took him much much more time on homework. He got same teacher and same work as DD. He still has time management problem, so it seems DS is always doing homework and DD has nothing to do.
Posted By: knute974 Re: Homework - 10/01/10 03:01 PM
In 1st grade, DD had 20 minutes of reading per night, a worksheet of some sort that could take 5 to 25 minutes depending upon what it was, and a weekly spelling packet that included doing various activities with the words and writing a story or sentences with the words. On average, she did 45 min to 1 hr per night.
Posted By: patricia39 Re: Homework - 10/02/10 08:08 AM
What kind of homework are you guys seeing for grade 1? Well, as a grade one, it should be 30 minutes homework about addition and subtraction. So that children would be happy on doing it.

Posted By: st pauli girl Re: Homework - 10/02/10 12:37 PM
Hmmmmm. This is making me wonder if we should be making our 2nd grader do more homework! At curriculum night, the teacher said there was an option to send homework every night, but he figured "2nd grade/2 nights of homework" sounded good. It's working out great for us, since DS6 didn't have regular homework last year in kindy. He gets a spelling list of 12 words on Monday for a test on Friday, plus math homework on Tuesdays and Thursdays. His math homework has taken about 5 minutes so far, but he's been started going to the gifted teacher for math, so hopefully he'll get something a little more challenging.
Posted By: knute974 Re: Homework - 10/02/10 02:22 PM
st pauli, FWIW, I thought that my first grader had too much homework doing 45 min to an hour each night. A lot of it just seemed like busy work. I didn't see it as value added.
Posted By: Val Re: Homework - 10/02/10 06:13 PM
I'm not a believer in homework in the lower grades. Little children, especially, need time to play and explore the world. My feeling is, if they have to keep learning at home, what are they doing in school all day? Also, what about other forms of development that come from playing or helping cook or daydreaming?

I can see the value in doing extra algebra problems or in reading a portion of a novel or history book in 7th or 9th grade, but I just don't see the point in, say, 3rd grade. I also don't get the 2+ hours per night thing in the older grades for the same reasons I outline above.

My prediction: Someday, someone will publish a seminal study (or group thereof) showing that too much homework can be damaging to very young brains.

Posted By: Wren Re: Homework - 10/04/10 11:39 AM
I think drawing symbols on the drawings work, but she does have to illustrate the weekly poem. Illustrate means more than quick symbolic figures.

Then there was this thing, My Community. She had to draw a picture of our family working together and then write about what she drew. For a 1st grader, that takes a little time. The math sheets are quick. But this stuff is time consuming. Not hours, but vital downtime she needs after a day of school and afterschool stuff.

Chinese homework is about 20 minutes, though we should do it 2X a week, as it is a language.

We shall see this week what the museum gives her for homework from the science program. It starts this week.

Posted By: Mama22Gs Re: Homework - 10/04/10 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Val
I'm not a believer in homework in the lower grades. Little children, especially, need time to play and explore the world. My feeling is, if they have to keep learning at home, what are they doing in school all day? Also, what about other forms of development that come from playing or helping cook or daydreaming?

Val, I couldn't agree more.

I do see value in worthwhile homework, but I HATE that school sends home busy work saying that the kids need to "get used to doing homework every day." In my opinion, doing that de-values homework, and shows disrespect for the child's and family's outside of school time. And, like many here, I see more busy-work in the early years than worthwhile work.

While it doesn't usually take long for my DC to do their homework (usually just spelling and math for DS6 in 1st, and math, spelling, and sometimes Spanish for DS8 in 3rd), after a long school day, those 15-30 minutes could be better spent helping Dad in the garden or Mom in the kitchen, or learning to be part of a family by helping with chores, or reading a book or going down to the creek to see what interesting thing he can find. I can think of a zillion things that I think would be more valuable to his education than coloring the row with the most apples blue.

And now that DC have started piano (at their request), I want to encourage them to practice not for a finite time, but until they've accomplished a goal for that day (e.g., play these four measures with the correct notes and timing) but sometimes that gets replaced with "we only have 15 minutes for piano today" because of all the homework that needs to get done. I resent that.

I think schools need to understand that they are a large part of a child's education, but children need to be exposed to more of life than math facts and spelling. They need time to participate with their family, be with their own thoughts, explore their world, and they need time to get enough sleep, which seems highly lacking in most kids' lives around here, as parents try to get everything squeezed in, but that's an entirely different soap box of mine. wink
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