Originally Posted by Wren
She said, about a week ago, that she didn't want to go to Harvard. I said that was OK, she didn't have to have nice things, she didn't have to travel and she didn't have to have choices on what she ate. She turns 6 tomorrow but I want her (since she is so spoiled) to start making connections about having what she has and what it takes to get them. I repeat the message at least once a week during piano practice.

Well, this is just my opinion, but it seems to be a bit early to be planning her college choices. Did you mean that if she doesn't want to go Harvard , you'll withhold vacations and other things? Or were you saying that only people who go to Harvard can choose their foods and take a vacation? (Added) By this, I mean, that only Harvard grads will earn enough to do these things?

Originally Posted by Wren
I focus that she has to learn to work at things and strive to be as good as she can possibly be. I said no one is great without practice.

Maybe she doesn't want to be great.


Last edited by Val; 09/27/10 01:02 PM. Reason: Clarity