Hi kalhuli,

We are on similar paths but insert Spanish for French and that's us. Though we didn't choose the French route my BF's daughter did go through a French Immersion program and I have talked to her a few times in reference to acceleration. According to her the child can be accelerated and the school her daughter was going to will not pigeon hold them in a class strictly on age BUT her daughter was never accelerated while attending this program and her daughter is PG. There are other circumstances there: the child went through serious depression and left the school on the advisement of a therapist who thought she would be better off in a public school. When they made this transition her world really crumbled and she spent the next two years in a ball. She is better now but we have learned to look at the day to day and not put the pressure of the future on her shoulders.

And again ... my BF's DD issues were not really a reflection on the program itself but more internal. After her hard road back she has stayed in contact and is still close friends with her old classmates from the French Immersion program.

Our Spanish Immersion program is open to acceleration and promises to test DD when she has shown mastery of Spanish. So we will see. Right now DD is still challenged with the school because it is all in Spanish but she isn't that far off from fluency and once that happens we have to consider that her work load which is 2 years ahead of typical school grades is still not enough of an advancement for DD. Hoping the school keeps their end of the deal.

But also I wanted to offer that just because the school is a French Immersion doesn't mean they are the same across the board. We have a few immersion programs in our city and one is a montessori french immersion program which I found to be unique. The best thing for you to do is go in and talk to them. Ask the questions and see if acceleration is an option.