My son, my first and only child, has just turned 2. We have had no formal testing done for giftedness, nor do we intend on doing any anytime soon, but I'm pretty sure he's at least on the giftedness scale somewhere, probably somewhere in the middle. Already I'm thinking about schooling and what we're going to do with him when we have to register him for something in 2 years' time.

Basically, we can do the English stream and if he keeps progressing as he has been, hope for some sort of accelerated work to keep him challenged. OR we can put him in Early French Immersion and hope that that alone is enough of a challenge (which I doubt) and kiss goodbye the hope of having any sort of accelerated program for him. My understanding to date is that it's hard enough to get any accommodations made for gifted kids in the English stream, and that to expect as much in French Immersion is ridiculous.

We do have a choice of sending him to one of two different schools, so I do have some options.

Any comments or suggestions on this?? Anyone had to go through anything similar?