Originally Posted by yannam
my point is why to put a child 2-3 grades higher and push (push and push) him/her in to more challenging stuff..

...because mine isn't being pushed pushed pushed. It's the right level of work that is interesting and fun for him. I wouldn't want to be stuck for 6 hours a day reading the same book over and over and over, and being stuck doing busywork when you've already mastered all of the material can feel just like that.

I do sympathize if anyone truly feels like they lead a boring life as adults. The world is filled with exciting challenges if you seek them out. Even if you have to work in a monotonous job, find a hobby, study a language, or read a book! Nobody makes us take a robotic path, and that is why IMO we shouldn't make our children take one, either.

HS Mom to DYS6 and DS2